artofkace |
yo ho, yo ho |
captaindawson |
Angry Glaswegian Murder Squid |
celticbotanart |
a celebration for a king |
cherloak |
Will Turner |
elventhespian |
Elizabeth Swann - Curse of the Black Pearl |
Gibbs living his best life |
Jack Sparrow: Curse of the Black Pearl |
the 'woman yelling at cat' meme but it's giselle and scarlet yelling at Jack |
Will fixing a sword as Gibbs and co watch |
everythingispirates |
favorite pirate |
Jack |
monster Will |
your words surround you like fog and make you hard to see |
Will carrying angry drunk Elizabeth |
heavensong |
Gibbs |
just-a-mouse |
Drink up me hearties yo ho! |
myluckyseven |
Take what you can! Give nothing back! |
nataliedecorsair |
Capt. Jack Sparrow and Capt. Hector Barbossa - frenemies forever |
spidertams |
yo ho yo ho, a pirate's life for me! |
teaofgan |
Pirates of the Caribbean DVD mockups showing Elizabeth's journey |
tohuwabohus |
thinking about that post where it says “elizabeth swann was the biggest pirate” and im like HELL YESS SHE WAS!!!1! |