Round 1

Title/Author Prompt / Summary
100 Years by arachnoidmater Prompt: "The rich, lush horror of slowly turning into a fishperson; So where does the Dutchman get its candles, gunpowder, cannonshot, Jones’ tobacco etc.? What port serves the cursed crew once every ten years? Would love to see a fic focusing on the rel between the fish crew and the seaside town willing to trade with them."
Anamaria fanart by undeadpirate Prompt: "something with Anamaria being cool as hell"
Calypso/Syrena fanart by elventhespian Prompt: "any kind of femslash honestly! preference to in-universe characters rather than OCs"
Coral is Far More Red by allyourfearsarecomingtrue Prompt: "I feel like Tia Dalma and Anamaria would have made a badass duo. Whether romantically or not, I'd love to see them together. Maybe Anamaria has left the Pearl between cotbp and dmc and has come to live with Tia Dalma. Something to do with all the magic Tia deals with regularly."
Everything by NerdWhoWrites Summary: "James Norrington meets a pirate in Tortuga who has her shit together. Maybe he'll learn a thing or two."
Jack the monkey and Carina fanart by elventhespian Prompts: "Jack the Monkey has a special place in Margaret Smyth’s house" and "lazy mornings"
Podfic of Destiny by Carmarthen, by TheOneCalledEli Summary: "When it is your eternal job to take the souls of those dead at sea, and everyone you ever loved is a sailor, destiny's a bitch."
Podfic of Matters of Fear by potboy, by TheOneCalledEli Summary: "Attack by living skeletons, the threat of courtmartial, and unrequited love. The men of the Dauntless have a lot to come to terms with."
Podfic of Vévé by Guede, by TheOneCalledEli Summary: "Anamaria plays her part however she damn well pleases."
Small Moments to Remember Her By by arachnoidmater Prompts: Governor Swann and Elizabeth having some wholesome father-daughter bonding time, a memory (or memories) with Will and/or Elizabeth’s mothers
The Lovers, the Dreamers, and Me by CaptainR0cket Summary: "As the Hai Peng sails the midnight waters at World's End, four players reminisce."
The Three Buccaneers by CaptainR0cket Summary: "Three friends venture deep into the winding corridors of Shipwreck Cove to turn the odds in their favor."